Thursday, February 20, 2014

Anaxagoras: A man before his time

As I have continued to study Anaxagoras and his teaching the more I notice that he seems to focus on what he "knows". Although he doesn't specifically speak on certain things he seems to answer questions and address subjects if the reader is willing to read between the lines. While some would call his arguments vague at best i think he was simply leaving them up to interpretation. Anaxagoras unlike most philosophers did not seem to want to explain every detail of his thoughts but rather give an outline for others to follow and improve upon. Although he does not specifically explain many things by following his train of thought and main principles it is not very hard to understand what I mean. Anaxagoras seems very aware that he will not be around to explain the details of his theories on ethics and he understood that the world and people would evolve to understand much different ethics than those of his time. His focus on observation leading to knowledge is something that is a centerpiece in most sciences today but it seems to have been forgotten by many philosophers. I propose that philosophers of today get back to the basics and remember the importance of what once made the ancient philosophers famous and respected.


  1. Glad you continue to find Anaxagoras so engaging.

  2. I think what you say regarding providing an outline for others is plausible. It seems like other ancient philosophers provide the (or some) pieces of a puzzle but let the reader put them together so that the reader may be active in the learning process.
